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Our Fleet

PENELOPE: Moonday 4.80 m (6 Persons)
Unlicensed boat, Fully Insured and Secure, Fuel Included, Moox GPS navigation, Help Mooring, Life Jackets, Music stereo, Anchor, Awning, Garmin Maps Monitor, Snorkel Mask, 15 hp Engine. Approved for (max 6 people). For Family with Kids. Couples or Friends.

NAUSICAA: Dipol 4.50 m (5 Persons)
Unlicensed boat, Fully Insured and Secure, Fuel Included, Moox GPS navigation, Help Mooring, Life Jackets, Music stereo, Anchor, Awning, Garmin Maps Monitor, Snorkel Mask, 15 hp Engine. Approved for (max 5 people). For Family with Kids. Couples or Friends.

CALIPSO: Dipol 4.50 m Cala (5 persons)
Unlicensed boat, Fully Insured and Secure, Fuel Included, Moox GPS navigation, Help Mooring, Life Jackets, Music stereo, Anchor, Awning, Garmin Maps Monitor, Snorkel Mask, 15 hp Engine. Approved for (max 5 people). For Family with Kids. Couples or Friends.

CIRCE: Moonday 4.80 m (6 persons)
Unlicensed boat, Fully Insured and Secure, Fuel Included, Moox GPS navigation, Help Mooring, Life Jackets, Music stereo, Anchor, Awning, Garmin Maps Monitor, Snorkel Mask, 15 hp Engine. Approved for (max 6 people). For Family with Kids. Couples or Friends.

BARRACUDA: 7.5 m (8 persons)
150 CV engine, Fuel NOT Included in the price, GARMIN GPS Navigation, Music Stereo with Bluetooth, Big Awning, Anchor, Port Help Mooring, Sea Maps Monitor, Snorkel Mask

NAUTIPOL: 6.5 m (8 persons)
115 CV engine, Fuel NOT Included in the price, GARMIN GPS Navigation, Music Stereo with Bluetooth, Big Awning, Anchor, Port Help Mooring, Sea Maps Monitor, Snorkel Mask

MINGOLLA BOAT: 6.50 m (8 Persons)
115 CV engine, Fuel NOT Included in the price, GARMIN GPS Navigation, Music Stereo with Bluetooth, Big Awning, Anchor, Port Help Mooring, Sea Maps Monitor, Snorkel Mask
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